'Klänge der Hoffnung'

Music connects



Rückblick 2023

Menschen unterschiedlichster Herkunft in der Begeisterung für Musik zusammenzubringen, dafür stand das Projekte 'Klänge der Hoffnung' seit 2016. 

Unser Schwerpunkt in den Jahren 2021 bis 2023 war das aus Laien und Profis bestehende 'Klänge der Hoffnung' orchestra für Musiker*innen aus aller Welt. 2023 gehörten ca. 40 Musiker*innen aus 13 Ländern dazu. Zum Orchesterprojekt von 2021 - 2023 ist eine Broschüre entstanden, die Sie hier downloaden können

2021 fanden bereits viele Orchester-Konzerte statt, 2022 auch auf internationalen Bühnen in Lyon (Frankreich) und Gdańsk (Polen). In 2023 wurde die musikalische Arbeit nun fortgesetzt. U. a. mit Konzerten in Oschatz, Wurzen, Leisnig und Zwickau.
Einer der Höhepunkte war das Konzert des Orchesters im Großen Saal vom Gewandhaus am 6. Juni 2023.

Das Orchesterprojekt der Stiftung Friedliche Revolution ist mit dem Jahr 2023 zu Ende gegangen. Die Arbeit mit dem Orchester wird seit 1. Januar 2024 von der Transkulturelles Musikforum GmbH weitergeführt, siehe www.transkulturelles-musikforum.de


Idea: Connecting people through music

Music provides an excellent basis for transcultural encounters at eye level: after all, music is a language that traditionally transcends national borders. And musical ability is not impaired by language barriers.

As a network, the project 'Klänge der Hoffnung' of the Stiftung Friedliche Revolution brings musicians of diverse origins into contact with each other and promotes making music together. We work together with institutions, organizers and committed citizens.

All of the network concerts we organize are free of charge. This gives the public the opportunity to enjoy music without barriers - and at the same time to experience transcultural diversity. Instead of needing help, at 'Klänge der Hoffnung' one encounters musical ability - and a thought process can begin.



Beginning of 2016: Finding phase

In January 2016, under the impression of the reception crisis in Germany, a strong desire arose in the circle of the Leipzig Foundation Peaceful Revolution to contribute to improving the situation of refugees with a project of its own. The choice fell on the foundation of a transcultural project with refugee musicians*.

March 2016: the project takes shape

As it turned out, many good projects were already active in this field in the Leipzig area, but there was a lack of networking between them. Therefore, the foundation commissioned Tilmann Löser, a musician and music educator from Leipzig, as project manager to establish a network that would bring musicians with and without refugee experiences into contact with each other and with organizers and committed citizens.

First Network Concert in September 2016

From the first network meetings from May to August 2016, the planning for the first network concert in the Grassimuseum Leipzig developed very quickly. Under the title "Music in Asylum", eight different music groups performed in front of 250 enthusiastic listeners on September 28, 2016.

2017: "Music in the asylum" becomes "Klänge der Hoffnung"

Building on the success of 2016, we further developed the project in 2017 under the new name 'Klänge der Hoffnung'. The exchange has deepened and the network has expanded. On September 26, '17, there was again a big concert as part of the "Intercultural Weeks". This network event was flanked by three smaller concerts in September and November.

2018-20: wider reach, more networking

In recent years, the network has continued to grow, has gained cooperation partners - and the network radius has expanded to include North Saxony. Our performance on September 26, 2018 at the E-Werk in Oschatz marked the first 'Klänge der Hoffnung' concert in the district of North Saxony. In 2019, we then held further network concerts in North Saxony in Delitsch and Torgau.

In March 2019, our network was awarded the 1st prize "Active for Democracy and Tolerance" 2018 .

The highlight of the 'Klänge der Hoffnung' year 2019 was the joint concert with "Banda Internationale" on October 6, 2019 in the Gewandhaus Leipzig.


Project executing organisation: Foundation Peaceful Revolution


On the twentieth anniversary of 9 October 1989, citizens from East and West, church people and peace activists founded the Foundation Peaceful Revolution

Founding chairman Christian Führer (†): "We don't want to put the Peaceful Revolution in a museum, but we want to go further and encourage action today. The Peaceful Revolution must go further and also include the economy."

The foundation wants to transfer the fundamental value patterns of the people who stood up for peaceful change in the churches and on the streets in 1989 into today's world.



Our work is funded by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Homeland, the Free State of Saxony within the framework of the state program Integrative Measures for the project "United in Diversity - Leipzig Intercultural Orchestra" and the Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten mbH (GVL)..